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6 thoughts on “Contact

  1. Well, just found my quotes online! I’m flattered — and had forgotten most of them!

    How are you doing? How’s the job?

    1. I knew the day would come when you’d find your quotes! They were only one of the highlights of attending your classes.

      I’m doing very well! I’m actually heading up to Savannah tomorrow for an interview at SCAD on Friday. I’m being interviewed for the position of Administrative Assistant to the Chair of the Architecture department. Keep your fingers crossed for me!

  2. Hey, Im 12 and i live in Florida. I think roller derby is amazing! I skate on th weekends sometimes and i think its so much fun. Is it hard?

    1. Hi Maria,

      Roller Derby was one of the most intense things I’ve ever done, but also one of the most fun. I really miss it.

      The hardest part about it is you can take quite a beating. I came home with fishnet burns and bruises that looked like they came from cannon balls some nights, but that’s all part of the fun.

      If you’re confident on your skates, that’s the most important part. Actual derby techniques can be learned but skating is just one of those things you have to feel. I also made some really great friends on my roller derby team.

      Although you may still be a bit too young to join a league, some teams have all ages boot camps that can give you a taste of what derby is all about. You can also start volunteering with your local derby team.

      Keep skating!

  3. Do you know someone named Leesa White? One of your photos from Music Midtown during the Foo Fighters set was texted to us while we were in the crowd.

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